Backside- A grind in which you are facing away from the curb/rail; you grind in between second and third wheel.
Soul- A grind in which your front foot is frontside and your back foot is on the outside soul of the boot.�
Acid Soul- Same as a soul, except your front foot is backside.
Makio- You back foot is soul and you grab your other foot.
Sweatstance- Your front foot is soul and your back foot is backside.
50%- Your front foot is soul and back foot is frontside.
Sidewalk- Your front is soul and your back foot is grinding on the laces; you are sitting down.�
Backslide- A one footed grind, similar to a Royale, but you lift up your front foot and grab it.
Fahrvergnugun- Much like a Frontside but you cant your front foot onto the boot.
Wheelbarrel- Your back foot is leaning on the boot in between the 2nd and 3rd wheels while the front foot is rolling on the back wheel.
Hobo- Your back foot is leaning on the boot in between the 2nd and 3rd wheels while the front foot is turned around so you'll be rolling on the front wheel.
Fastslide- A frontside only grinding on the front foot and grabing the back foot.
Torque- A Fastslide with the boot cantedover onto the side of the boot.
Torque Soul- A Soul where you cant the front foot onto the side of the boot.
Mistrial- Front foot is Soul and back foot is canted over onto the booted.
Rough Grind- Backfoot is backside and front foot is Soul but grinding on the heal of the skate.
Tea Kettle- Back foot is front side and front foot is Soul but grinding on the Heal of the skate.�
Byn Soul- Front foot is frontside and back foot looks like its on the soul, but it's really backside.
Top Soul- A Soul grind where your Soul foot is Topside.
Top Acid- An Acid Soul grind where your Soul foot is Topside.
Boardwalk- Your front foot is topside and your back foot is rolling on the front wheel.
Fishbrain- Your back foot is topside and you grab the front foot.
Top Mistrial- Front foot is topside and back foot is canted over onto the boot.
Top Sweatstance- Front foot is topside and back foot is frontside.
Top 50%- front foot is topside and back foot is back side.
Training wheel- Back foot is topside and front foot is riding on the back wheel.�
AWOL- Your front foot is canted over on the outside of the boot and your back foot is grinding the toe of your boot.
Alley-oop Soul- A sole, but you are grinding backwards.
Porn Star- An alley-oop 50%
Savanna- An alley-oop backside unity.
Soyale- A Soul where you cant the front foot onto the side of the boot, but you are grinding backwards.
Alley-oop Makio- take a wild guess
Alley-oop Miziou- boy, this is a hard one to figure out!
Alley-oop Acid Soul- they keep on getting harder!
Topside Porn Star- An alley-oop topside 50%
Alley-oop Topside Soul- guess!
Alley-oop Topside Acid Soul- huh?
Alley-oop Fishbrain- Alley-oop topside makio�
Half Cab- A 180 onto a grind
True Spin-� Anytime time when rotating onto a rail/curb and you loose sight of it; also called blind side.
Switch- Doing a grind the opposite way that you usually do it; a.k.a unnatural.
Disaster- Clearing a long distance and landing on a rail/curb in any grinding position.
Rewind- Spinning off of a grind the oposite way that you spun
Budget- Any kind of varitation where you only change one foot's stance.
Non-Budget- Any kind of varitation where you change the stance of both feet.
Magic Trick- A royalle to alley-oop topside soul without jumping.
Spin Cycle- At least five non-budget variations.